Submitted by: Donny Wise (Los Angeles, CA)
My Christian life is being greatly helped by the recent fellowship that has come out for the young adults in the church life:
1) I am helped by the recent fellowship that turns us to the realization that what the Lord wants is our living. The 7 points on how to have a vital living that came out on December 29th (the audio is in the Downloads portion of this site) has been quite helpful to me.
2) I’m helped by the realization that there are definite challenges to being a vital young, working, adult in this age and that I (with others) should not ignore these challenges but face them head on and study the challenges and overcome them. I desire to pray through every challenge asking that every moutain be cast into the sea (Matt. 21:21).
3) I am also helped by the glorious fact – that I cannot live the Christian life alone. I need companions (2 Tim. 2:22).
4) Finally, I am being helped to have a simple schedule. My goal today was to get up by 6:30am to have a quiet time with the Lord and be nourished. I have two other brothers who check up on me to ensure I have made my goal and to whom I am accountable. And although I have failed my goal several times in the past, knowing they also are endeavoring and pressing forward – encourages my progress.