Msg. 3: LS of Daniel

Today (October 31, 2012) we will continue reading the Life-Study of Daniel (see program detail here):


This message covers Daniel 2 and the main sections in this message are:



A. God’s Vision Given to Daniel

B. Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

1. Daniel’s Exalting of God

2. The Contents of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

a. Signifying the Aggregate of Human Government throughout Human History

b. The Head of Gold

c. The Breast and the Arms of Silver

d. The Abdomen and Thighs of Bronze

e. The Legs of Iron and the Feet Partly of Iron and Partly of Clay

f. The Destiny of the Great Human Image

1) To Be Crushed by a Stone Cut without Hands, at Its Appearing

2) To Be Replaced with a Great Mountain Which Will Fill the Whole Earth


If you don’t have a copy of this Life-Study, you can read the message online at

Please use the comments section to share your enjoyment of this message and your experiences related to Life-Study reading.

12 thoughts on “Msg. 3: LS of Daniel

  1. I have a renewed appreciation for the seed of life sown into the seed of humanity. This seed, which Christ cast upon the earth in His first coming, is what sprouts, grows, bears fruit, matures, and brings forth a harvest. This harvest is Christ’s increase, which is the Church and the Kingdom. When Christ comes as the God-cut smiting stone with His bride He will crush human government and set up the Kingdom. Wow. Lord, may the seed of life continue to grow in us, in me!

  2. Christ will come as a stone cut without hands! Daniel reveals this “stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. This increase of the stone into a great mountain signifies the increase of Christ… Just as Eve was the increase of Adam, the bride is the increase of Christ as the Bridegroom.”

    Today the Lord needs to increase in the way of life. The kingdom seed has been sown into us at our regeneration. Now, He is growing in us. We may cooperate with the Lord by exercising our spirit. The more we exercise our spirit, the Lord as the life-giving Spirit has a way to spread in our being. By His mercy, may the Lord give us an excellent spirit (Dan. 5:12), so that He may increase within us. “Eventually, this increase will become the great mountain that fills the whole earth to be the eternal kingdom of God.”

    B.Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
    2.The Contents of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
    f. The Destiny of the Great Human Image
    1) To Be Crushed by a Stone Cut without Hands, at Its Appearing
    “At His appearing as the stone cut out not by human hands, Christ will crush the great image from the toes to the head. This means that He will strike the ten kings with Antichrist. Revelation 19 speaks of the war between Christ and Antichrist. With Christ there will be His newly-married bride, composed of the overcomers, and with Antichrist there will be the ten kings with their armies. This war will be a fighting of the earth against the heavens, of man against God. Christ will defeat and destroy Antichrist and the ten kings.”
    Amen. “Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!” This war consists of us, the overcomers, in the heavens in which we will remain forever with the Lord!! This is our destiny!

  4. “The church today is Christ’s increase in life, but the eternal kingdom of God is Christ’s increase in administration. In life Christ increases to become the church; in administration Christ increases to become the eternal kingdom of God.”
    The image that was revealed in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is a symbol of human gov’t. In the end of the dream, this image is crushed by Christ, and He replaces human gov’t. We must be those standing with Him by living in His kingdom and by living by His life and gaining Him in life. This gives Him the way to have His way on the earth and to gain the earth. Christ needs the church as His Body to return and fulfill His heart’s desire.

  5. “Daniel got a Dream!”

    바벨론왕 느부갓네살이 꾼 꿈을 바벨론의 어느 누구도 이해하거나 해석할 수 없었지만, 오직 포로된 하나님의 선민 중에서 젊은 후손, 곧 이기는 자들 중 한 명인 다니엘은 이 꿈에 대한 해석을 할 수 있었습니다! 그는 그 꿈 속에 나타난 한 거대한 인간형상이 온 땅에 있는 인류 역사상에서 ‘인간정부의 총체’ 인 것을 알았으며, 이 큰 우상이 계시록에 있는 대환난 3년 반의 마지막 날까지 계속됨을 알았습니다! 하지만 사람의 손으로 뜨이지 않은 돌이 이 우상을 쳐서 산산이 가루가 되게 하고, 태산을 이루는 것을 보았습니다! 이 태산이 바로 온 세계를 가득 채우는 하나님의 왕국(the Kingdom of God)임을 찬양합니다!

    Ⅲ. 느부갓네살이 다니엘을 존귀히 여김

    “너희 하나님은 참으로 모든 신의 신이시요 모든 왕의 주재시로다 네가 능히 이 은밀한 것을 나타내었으니 네 하나님은 또 은밀한 것을 나타내시는 자시로다”(단 2:47)
    The king answered Daniel and said, It is certain that your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a Revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this mystery.

    2)온 땅을 가득 채울 태산으로 대치됨

    돌이 태산이 되는 이러한 증가는 그리스도의 증가를 상징한다.

    그리스도께서 그분 자신을 인성의 ‘흙’ 속에 씨로서 뿌리시기 위해 오신 때로부터, 그분은 자라고 증가해 오셨다. 결국 이 증가는 하나님의 영원한 왕국이 되기 위해 온 땅을 가득 채우는 태산이 될 것이다.
    그리스도는 참으로 만유를 포함한 분이시다. 그분은 돌이요 또한 산이시다. 그분은 교회요 또한 왕국이시다. 그분은 그분의 증가로써 온 땅을 가득 채우는 태산이시다.

    아멘 아멘!! 할~ ~~렐 루 야!

  6. “The church today is Christ’s increase in life, but the eternal kingdom of God is Christ’s increase in administration. In life Christ increases to become the church; in administration Christ increases to become the eternal kingdom of God. Hence, Christ is not only the church but also the kingdom of God. Both the church and the kingdom are His increase.” (Life-study of Daniel, p.18)

    Lord, increase in life and in administration, so that You can fill us and so that you can fill the whole earth!

  7. Daniel 2:38 “Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed all at once, and they became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”

    “From the time Christ came to sow Himself into the “soil” of humanity, He has been growing and increasing. Eventually, this increase will become the great mountain that fills the whole earth to be the eternal kingdom of God.”

    In the past, today and in the future, Christ is the centrality and universality of God’s move! Praise the Lord that He is the increasing One! He is the growing vine that grows over the walls and the oppositions until His increase fills the whole earth! Christ is growing in Europe, in China, in Canada, in US, until He fills the whole Earth with Himself! Praise the Lord!

  8. “From its beginning to its termination, human government has done and will continue to do three things: rebel against God, exalt man, and worship idols.”

    Especially with the election happening in the United States, this is a good reminder not to put our trust in human government. No amount of reform can save it. The destiny of human government is to be crushed by Christ, the stone cut without hands! However, until this happens, we are still subject to the authorities over us which are ordained by God.

  9. The great human image will be replaced with a great mountain, signifying the eternal kingdom of God, which will fill the whole earth (2:35b, 44a). This means that after Christ comes to crush the aggregate of human government, He will usher in the eternal kingdom of God on earth.

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