“If the saints have life-study messages everywhere in their homes, their spiritual condition will be greatly revived… As long as we are willing to take the lead to encourage the whole church to read and to absorb what they have read, revival will definitely come.” ~Witness Lee (Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel—The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery, Chapter 8, Section 3)
As the end of 2012 approaches, we would like to once again announce a Life-study reading program, this time for the Life-study of Daniel and the Life-study of Zechariah. Beginning this Monday, October 29, 2012, we will read 4 messages a week with weekends for catch-up.
For each reading day, Monday through Thursday, a post will be published on livingtohim.com that contains the title of the message for that day, a link to the verses covered in the message, and an outline of the message (similar to a previous reading program). All the saints who participate in the reading program are strongly encouraged to share their enjoyment and inspiration using the comments section below each post.
For those who wish to use excellentbeliever.com to keep track of their reading, a group called “Daniel and Zechariah (10/29-12/20) 4 msgs/wk (Group Key: YGLLIX)” has been created for this purpose. The group key to join is YGLLIX.
May we be nourished and constituted with the truth through these rich messages!
I look forward to adding this to my life as more Spirit being added and less of me or study.
During this program I am going to read with a view to being constituted for the sake of others. Too many times recently I have found myself in situations where there is an opportunity for the Lord to speak, but it seems that I have nothing to say.
I am very thankful for this corporate pursuit. Individually we are defeated by the enemy, but together we can stand against his wearing out tactics.
이러한 실행을 통해서 믿는 우리들이 건강하고,
장거리 여행에서 살아남을 수 있는 영양분인 ‘그리스도’
모든 것을 포함한 그리스도를 먹고, 마시고, 누리고 체험할 수 있도록
다시 깨우시고, 기회를 주신 주님을 찬양합니다!
작년 이맘때 처음 시작된 ‘라이프-스타디 읽기’ 프로그램을 통해서
개인적으로 많은 영적인 유익을 얻었습니다! 이것은 또한 교회와 성도들에게도 공급이 되었습니다! 주님을 찬양합니다.
하지만, 개인적으로는 라이프-스타디를 지속적으로 읽는 것이..
‘한계’임을 깨달았으며, 함께 추구하고, 교통을 통하여 상호 공급받고,
격려를 받으며, 또한 건축되는 실제가 있었음을 찬양합니다!
LS를 지속적으로 읽을 때, 주님은 축복하십니다! 제가 교회생활에서 또 한 번의 터널을 통과하고 있을 때, 계속해서 매일 창세기 라이프-스타디 1장을 읽은 것은 실로 큰 축복이었습니다! 그 때 주님께서는 어느날 LS 한 장을 열어주셨고, 그 때, 그 순간에 제 온 존재 안으로 하늘로부터의 은혜의 비가 계속 내려, 주님으로 충만케되었습니다. 또한 고난과 환난을 통과할 수 있게 되었습니다
이제 동무들과 함께 라이프-스타디를 추구하고자 합니다!
“그대는 청년의 정욕을 피하고, 순수한 마음으로
주님을 부르는 자들과 함께..
의와 믿음과 사랑과 화평을 추구하십시오.” (딤후 2:22)
But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Amen!!
주님을, 주님 한 분을 사랑합니다!
주님 이 라이프-스타디 읽기 프로그램을 축복하소서!
주님의 기름부음이 함께 하시며, 서로 섞이고, 건축되게하소서! 아멘
This program is so timely since I had difficulties to carry out the life-study reading alone in my busy schedule. But with the saints, it would be so much better!
I enjoyed under point III THE CENTRAL THOUGHT Fourth paragraph: The entire world situation is under the rule of the heavens by the God of the heavens, to match His economy for Christ. Today the world situation, especially in Europe and the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, has been balanced and brought into a condition which is ready for Christ’s return. He is at the door and the time is near. As we see this situation, we must wake up and realize that the world is not for us. We are for Christ, and every day we must prepare outselves to meet Him. Then we will receive a reward from Him.
This is what we are hearing from many of the saints. we are not for the world, we are for Christ and God’s economy. God is forming His Son in us and all we need to do is be willing to allow Christ to be formed in us. For us to be the sons of God, the many brothers of Christ.
I am going to start today. This is a good way to spend my birthday which is today, October 29, 2012. I’m looking forward to it.
Life Study of Daniel Msg. 1 summary: Chrirst death was a landmark for the ages. The old creation was terminated along with everything and everyone; for the “germination of the new creation in Christ’s resurrection”.
Daniel chapters 2 & 7: If a stop is not put to it man will continue to rebel against God, exalt himself and he will worship idols. This great image in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is the aggregate of human government throughout the history of man. It consists of 4 empires: Babylonian, Medo-persian, Macedonian-Grecian and the Roman empire. The Roman empire is the feet this image. It is mixed with clay. We are near the end of human government. It will continue through the tribulation period. And then, it will be crushed by the stone not made by hands (THE CHRIST!).