Announcing “Nuggets and Gems from the Bible”
Since the completion of the Collected Works of Witness Lee in 2018, the entirety of the ministry of brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee has been put into print. Because of this, the brothers serving at LSM feel that presently there is ...

The Proper Christian Attitude Towards Social and Political Problems
"A friend asked me once, 'I have believed in Jesus Christ and received forgiveness of sins through His redemption. Now that I am saved, what should my attitude be towards my country, towards society, and towards international problems? Should I ...

Our Need to Keep a Spiritual New Year Before God
In chapter 4 of the book, God's Need and God's Goal, Witness Lee speaks of the spiritual significance of the new year and our need to keep a spiritual new year before God. In particular, he describes the practice of ...

My Spirit! My Heart!
Below are links to two documents of verses on "My spirit!" and "My Heart!", put together by Brother Minoru Chen. They survey all the key verses on our spirit and our heart from the entire Bible. They can be used ...

Our Fresh Enjoyment
Through creation Adam became a living soul with a soulish body. Through resurrection Christ became a life-giving Spirit with a spiritual body. -Witness Lee, 1 Cor. 15:45, Footnote 1 (J.R., Suva City,Republic of the Fiji Island) ...

Our Fresh Enjoyment
When every member is thus perfected, growing in life, functioning organically, and being built up into a Body in the organic union, the Lord will have an organic Body in our midst to be His full expression. -Witness Lee, Messages ...

Our Fresh Enjoyment
I would urge you to pray to receive the Lord's mercy that you might be in the upper room..."Lord, I am willing to be in the upper room for the recovery of Your testimony." -Witness Lee, The Heavenly Vision, Chpt ...

From the Life-Study of Genesis
With every book of the Bible, there is a general sketch. The general sketch of Genesis is: God created, Satan corrupted, man fell, and Jehovah promised to save. Never forget these four items! -Witness Lee, Msg. 1 ...

From the Life-Study of Genesis
Whenever we come to this book [the Bible] with an open heart and an open spirit, we can immediately touch something divine: not just thoughts, concepts, knowledge, words, or sentences, but something deeper than all these things. We touch God ...

Prayers From The Ministry
I am burdened to carry out a work in the stage of intensification. Therefore, I pray..."Lord, I am endeavoring to do my best to be an overcomer for the building up of Your Body to consummate the New Jerusalem." -WL, ...