Ministry of the Word – Ministry Quotes

Our Fresh Enjoyment

Our Fresh Enjoyment

What is consecration? Consecration is to turn to God. Formerly, we wanted something apart from God, but now we are encouraged by the Lord’s love from within, we turn to God, and we want only God Himself. -Witness Lee, The ...
Prayers From The Ministry

Prayers From The Ministry

Lord...we do not want to be empty inwardly while pretending to have something outwardly. Make us those who live in a spontaneous way before You. -Watchman Nee, CWWN, Vol. 44, Chpt. 25 (R.E., Anaheim, CA) ...
Our Fresh Enjoyment

Our Fresh Enjoyment

We have to pray that we will gain more Christ and manifest Him more so that God's will can be fulfilled soon. -Watchman Nee, CWWN, Vol. 44, Chpt. 4 (R.E., Anaheim, CA) ...
Prayers From The Ministry

Prayers From The Ministry

In all our different situations, we must stay in the cleft of the rock. “O Lord Jesus, I am crucified with You.” To be crucified with Christ on the cross is to stay in the cleft of the rock. - ...
Our Fresh Enjoyment

Our Fresh Enjoyment

Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God." Only one kind of people enjoy the good: those who love God...Loving God will make an unsatisfactory environment a profitable one. -Watchman Nee, ...
Prayers From The Ministry

Prayers From The Ministry

Lord, I must advance. I need Your grace to bring me onward. I do not want to remain in the work of incarnation nor even in the work of inclusion. I want to advance from inclusion to intensification. -Witness Lee, ...
Our Fresh Enjoyment

Our Fresh Enjoyment

Only when we gain God, when we gain Christ, have we made the best choice...If we would choose the Lord and spend time learning to serve Him, we have made the super-choice, the excellent choice. -Witness Lee, A Blessed Human Life, ...
Prayers From The Ministry

Prayers From The Ministry

Lord, set up Your throne in my life. Set up Your throne in the center of my being. Lord, bring my whole day with my daily life under Your throne. -Witness Lee, God's New Testament Economy, Chpt. 38 (G.H., Spokane, WA) ...
Our Fresh Enjoyment

Our Fresh Enjoyment

If our relationship with the Head is proper, we will keep our place in the Body spontaneously. -Watchman Nee, The Collected Works of Watchman Nee, Vol. 44, Chpt. 19, (R.E., Anaheim, CA) ...
Prayers From The Ministry

Prayers From The Ministry

Habakkuk 3:2a speaks of revival: “O Jehovah, revive Your work / In the midst of the years”...As long as you are a saved one...there is an aspiration with a spontaneous prayer within you: “O Lord, revive us.” -Witness Lee, LS ...