Msg. 1: LS of Daniel

Today we will start reading the Life-Study of Daniel (see program detail here):

The title of this message is “AN INTRODUCTORY WORD.”

This message covers Daniel 1:1-2 and the main sections in this message are:



A. The First Seven Weeks of Forty-nine Years

B. The Sixty-two Weeks

C. The Last Week of Seven Years

D. The Insertion of Israel’s History between the First Sixty-nine Weeks and the Last Week



A. The Issue of the Degradation of God’s Elect

B. The Victory, in Their Captivity, of the Young Descendants of God’s Degraded Elect over Satan’s Further Devices

C. The Visions of the Overcoming Daniel

If you don’t have a copy of this Life-Study, you can read the message online at

Please use the comments section to share your enjoyment of this message and your experiences related to Life-Study reading.

13 thoughts on “Msg. 1: LS of Daniel

  1. “Every part of Christ is excellent and precious… We are for Christ, and every day we must prepare ourselves to meet Him.” LS Daniel, Msg 1

  2. Praise the Lord saints for the Life Study Messages. I didn’t think I would ever read them in my whole life, but I started reading with the last reading program and I was hooked! I am so excited to be reading again with the saints! I really wish I would have started reading these in my teen or 20’s!

    I was touched by this portion in today’s reading…”As we see this situation, we must wake up and realize that the world is not for us. We are for Christ, and every day we must prepare ourselves to meet Him. Then we will receive a reward from Him.”
    Lord, wake us up that we may realize the world is not for us! Lord, we are for You, prepare us Lord to meet You! Praise the Lord saints for another day of being replaced by God! For more shining and gaining! May He remove every veil from our heart and may we see what He wants us to see in these messages!

    1. I love this post, especially the phrases “I didn’t think I would ever read them” and “I was hooked”. I too have experienced this. May The Lord give us the appetite and “hook” us with the riches in Daniel and Zechariah.

  3. “He is at the door and the time is near. As we see this situation, we must wake up and realize that the world is not for us. We are for Christ, and every day we must prepare ourselves to meet Him.”

  4. “The entire world situation is under the rule of the heavens by the God of the heavens, to match His economy for Christ. ”
    We want to be in the divine history by being in God’s economy! What God is doing in this world is for Christ and for His Body. It is vain to live for the world. The highest career is not in the world, but in God’s economy.
    Everyday we need to prepare for the coming of Christ. Even though we might be so busy, but we need to give the first place to the Lord and to His economy because He is the Lord of the heavens.

  5. Our dearest Lord Jesus, keep us poor in spirit and pure in heart to receive more of You through these messages! Thank You Lord for these quickening messages. You are the glorious Shining One! 1 John 4:4

  6. The book of Daniel reveals five particular points concerning Christ. 1) THE DEATH OF CHRIST. Praise the Lord that His death was an all-inclusive termination, which ushered in the resurrection, and in the resurrection the germination of God’s new creation began. 2) THE UPCOMING APPEARING OF CHRIST. The coming of Christ will be the landmark which closes human government and brings in the eternal kingdom of God. 3) CHRIST AS THE SON OF MAN WHO COMES TO THE THRONE OF GOD TO RECEIVE DOMINION AND A KINGDOM. 4) THE EXCELLENCY OF CHRIST IN DANIEL 10. 5) CHRIST AS THE COMPANION OF THE SUFFERING WITNESSES OF GOD.
    Lord, wake us up and cause us to realize that You are the reality of the living God, we are for You only and prepare us for Your coming back!

  7. With the world situation the way it is, and Election Day just around the corner, how wonderful it was to be reminded that: “The God of the heavens rules over all human government.”

  8. Praise the Lord saints that we can pursue Christ together through these messages! May we seek His heart’s desire and see His administration in the Book of Daniel.

  9. Thank You Lord for opening this book to us that we in Christ may see the central governing vision of Your eternal economy and ‘dare to be a corporate Daniel’ by being one with You in Your move on earth in these last days of this age!

  10. Saints, every day we must prepare ourselves to meet Him. O Lord Jesus!
    “Today the world situation, especially in Europe and the countries around the Mediterranean Sea, has been balanced and brought into a condition which is ready for Christ’s return. He is at the door and the time is near. As we see this situation, we must wake up and realize that the world is not for us. We are for Christ, and every day we must prepare ourselves to meet Him. Then we will receive a reward from Him.”

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