Când Domnul Isus a venit propovăduind: „Pocăiți-vă, căci împărăția cerurilor s-a apropiat” ( 4:17 ), nu mulți au putut să primească cuvântul Său, deoarece spiritul lor era plin de alte lucruri.
Cea mai bună băutură era oferită, dar vasul lor era deja umplut. Astfel, nu le era sete. Când spiritul nostru este umplut, nu avem nicio capacitate în vasul nostru nici măcar pentru cea mai bună băutură. Prin urmare, când Domnul le-a vorbit ucenicilor de pe munte, cuvântul de început al decretului Său a fost că trebuie să fim săraci cu duhul, că duhul nostru trebuie să fie golit de toate. Cu toții trebuie să ținem seama de cuvântul Domnului despre a fi săraci în duhul nostru și să spunem: „Doamne, descarcă-mă. Golește-mi spiritul. Nu vreau să păstrez nimic în spiritul meu. Doamne, vreau ca toată capacitatea din spiritul meu să fie disponibilă pentru Tine. (LS lui Mathew, cap. 13)Amin.
Translation: When the Lord Jesus came preaching: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” ( 4:17 ), not many could receive His word, because their spirit was full of other things. The best drink was offered, but their bowl was already full. Thus, they were not thirsty. When our spirit is filled, we have no capacity in our vessel even for the best drink. Therefore, when the Lord spoke to the disciples on the mountain, the opening word of His decree was that we must be poor in spirit, that our spirit must be emptied of everything. We must all heed the Lord’s word about being poor in spirit and say, “Lord, deliver me. Empty my spirit. I don’t want to keep anything in my spirit. Lord, I want all the capacity in my spirit to be available to You. (Mathew’s LS, ch. 13) Amen.
– G.I., Romania, 12/18/2024
Amen, praise the lord, that Christ is bringing us to the reality of church.
– Precy Kadusale, Bais City Negros Oriental Philippines, 1/1/2024
Mon plaisir vivre avec Lui et faire notre volonté quand on peut.
Translation: My pleasure is living with Him and doing our will when we can.
– Savoyet, vizille en france, 6/4/2023
Lord, may all of the saints be brought fully into the deeper experiences of God, dwelling in God by having our living in God, taking Him as our everything.
“O Lord, You have been our dwelling place / In all generations.” (Psalms 90:1)
Psalms 90-92 concern the saints’ deeper experience of God in their being identified with Christ.
To dwell in God is to have our living in God (Col. 2:6; 3:3; 1 John 4:16), taking Him as our everything. This is deeper than eating and drinking Him. To take God as our habitation, our eternal dwelling place, is the highest and fullest experience of God. (Recovery Version of the Holy Bible, Psalm 90:1, Footnote 1, Dwelling)
– Benjamin Lee, NYC, 5/12/2023
As a working saint, I recently have been reminded about God’s economy which is not only the matter of practice in the church but also this is the matter of our daily life, even our working life. How can we become the same as Him in life and nature if we just let Him come and fill us only in the church meeting or in the pursuing time at home. The Lord Himself actually wants to be one with us even we are in the office, when we are struggling with our boss, our clients…. Eph. 1:10 says “Unto the fullness of times, to head up all things in Christ,…” I enjoy the words “head up all things in Christ”, not one thing but all things. We always forget to surrender all things to Him, we’re still keeping something for us which prevent us from the fullness enjoyment of Him or cause us to be in sufferings in our life. May the Lord will be the Head of all aspects in our life.
– Emma Nguyen, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 3/12/2023
God the Father, whatever I am thinking now, is it from you, the only Source of life? If not, help me to shut it down straight away. God the Son, You paid for my salvation, please help me to develop a better thanksgiving spirit. God the Spirit , keep me at the foot of the cross to enjoy Christ in all circumstances.
– A brother, 1/8/2023
I am so thankful that in these last days the Lord is speaking and encouraging all His children to eat, drink and breathe Christ. Our real need is to be brought unto maturity. This is not an outward matter of knowing more information , but a very subjective matter of knowing experientially the person of our dear Lord Jesus. Lord conform us to your image and saturate the members in the Body with more and more of your very essence.
– JC, Hot Springs, South Dakota, 12/31/2022
I came to the church in San Diego when I was 15 years old. The Lord brought me from Montana to San Diego to come to the church. Since then I have loved all the saints and I am in the church in Billings, Montana. I enjoy the singing of the hymns and songs on YouTube. The Lord be with your spirit grace be with you
– Lorna Palin, Billings, Montana, 11/28/2022
We should love the Lord with our best love. If we really love the Lord, we must grow and mature in life.
– Jeanifer Dela Cruz, Philipines, 11/26/2022
We recently enjoyed the fellowship of the saints at Fort Williams Maine. The blending of localities was most wonderful. Seeing families enjoying the Lord was truly a witness. The oneness and one accord flowed into the worship and singing. This was a time of Grace flowing from the Throne to the body.
– Timothy Camire, Poland, Maine, 7/27/22
I praise the Lord for His sovereignty. This year I discovered your FB Page and podcast entitled The Living to Him and I’m so amazed of the messages and richly supplied by it. I introduced it to my companions and to the brothers in our district. Every Wednesday night we are listening from the podcast and after that we have our free sharing based on the message given. We were all encouraged to rise up and endeavor to enter to practice the 7 Points of Vital Living such as having a scheduled living, morning revival, pursue of the truth, prayer companions, contacting others, joining the church meetings and having sanctified finances. Sharing one of my recent enjoyment taken from The Messages Given to the Working Saints Chapter 4:
For this kind of living, the working saints should arrange their time every week properly. Every week they need to lead a home meeting and also to help out a group meeting; they also need to attend the Lord’s Day district meeting and the Tuesday prayer and service meeting. Besides this, they should go out to preach the gospel by visiting people every other week. If they would properly arrange their time, I definitely believe that doing this should be very easy. However, in order to be able to do this continuously throughout the year according to a schedule and a plan is not an easy thing. Therefore we need a kind of miraculous life and power, that is our Lord Jesus, to supply us inwardly so that we can live this kind of normal Christian life.
May we all rise up to cooperate with the Lord to receive the burden to push this matter so that we may do this continuously. If there is a place with one hundred people meeting together, and forty or fifty of them are willing to practice this—going to gain people by preaching the gospel, perfecting the new believers, leading the group meetings, and attending the district meetings—then assuming that one person can bring in two new ones per year, there will be a one hundred percent increase rate. Even if they can bring only half of that, they will still get a fifty percent increase; this is for sure. As long as everyone is willing to do this, this is a highway to us. This matter all depends on the brothers and sisters living this kind of miraculous yet normal living every day—going out, coming in, going to work, doing business, and staying at home at proper times, doing everything according to schedule in a regulated way, being revived every morning, and living an overcoming life every day. In this way not only can we ourselves be preserved, but also it will be beneficial to others. We ourselves can have such an enjoyable church life, our Lord will get the glory, and everyone can be blessed. Amen , Praise the Lord!
– ME, Quezon City, Philippines, 7/7/2021
Believing into Christ (1) by L2HNovember 10, 2014 – Today I stumbled upon the missing link as I was looking on BibleHub interlinear for a verse with “believing” in Christ. I noticed that it wasn’t the usual “en” for “in” but instead “eis”. This is what makes believing to be just a mere mental assent, believing “in” Christ. It’s as you said it, believing into union into Christ. I’d looked under the definition and BibleHub mentioned “union” as what it was implying for the word “eis”. I always am blessed when someone else has been shown by the Holy Spirit these amazing deep truths. Thank you for being faithful to share this truth with all of us.
– TF, Canada, 3/25/2021
Amen we need to detoxify our selves in the things of the world.
– Meriam Suyom, Bias City, Philippines, 1/11/2021
A special thanks to Minoru Chen for sharing about his dealings with the Lord in the seventies and the time frame it took to be washed. We’ve all been affected in some way at this point, an honest discernment of the effects and the need for the Lord to shine is very much appreciated. Praise you Lord Jesus!
– Kevin Dugger, Minneapolis, MN, 10/16/2020
We need to be a tree transplanted by water the tree grows by absorbing the water into it The tree signify God as our living water if we absorb him we will grow with his essence and elements and he will become our constitution.
– A sister, 9/16/20
I have been doing a research on the four faces of Jesus and I happened to come to this website and I got exactly what I was looking for. God continue to bless this ministry for its work towards the building of the body of Christ. I am a pastor of healing the nations in Pretoria South Africa.
– Amos Raphael, South Africa, 4/22/2020
He is my savior, saved my whole family and my kids serving Him and I’m working to support them, hallelujah, Jesús is Lord.! We love Him.!
– Hugo Martinez, Cerritos, CA, 4/1/2020
I often wrote my consecration to Him,that God may use my entire family for His economy,giving my whole being unto Him,until the day He comes.
Praised Him that God always made a way for me to be used greatly when a long propagation comes.
Through my constant prayers & consecration to Him,my health is not a hindrance in serving Him.l am already 70 years old.
I love You,Lord Jesus more than anything else in this perverted world, amen…
– A sister, Sta Rosa, Laguna, Philippines, 3/27/2020