Msg. 24: LS of 1 Thessalonians

Today we come to the final message of 1 Thessalonians! Praise the Lord!

Message twenty-four is titled: “To Be Sanctified Wholly with Our Spirit, Soul, and Body Preserved Complete (2)”

The verses covered are 1 Thes. 4:9135:816-242 Cor. 7:11 John 1:61 Tim. 1:5Rom. 6:6197:248:10-1112:11 Cor. 6:13b,15a19-20

The sections of the message are:


A. Concerning the Mind

B. Concerning the Will

C. Concerning the Emotion



19 thoughts on “Msg. 24: LS of 1 Thessalonians

  1. Thank the Lord that we have been able to see what a holy life for the church life is! This life has everything to do with the sanctification of all three parts of our being.
    We firstly need to pull our spirit out of its deadened condition by rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks at all times. We can also take the initiative to cooperate with God’s operation by spending time with Him, that He would clear all the arteries of our psychological heart. No one can do this unclogging for us! Finally, we need to cooperate with our operating God to preserve our bodies from the defilement of this world, which is all around us.
    Lord, make us all aggressive to exercise the spirit and preserve our tripartite being for the sake of this holy life for the church life!
    What life-study are we reading next??

  2. Lord expose the thoughts of our mind!

    Lord remove the rebellion of our will!

    Lord shine your light on the condition of our emotions!

    May we confess daily concerning the matters of our mind, emotion & will to unclog the arteries of our psychological heart. May we live a life that never follows the old man and avoid presenting our bodies to any sinful situation in order to preserve our body from the defilement of this age. Oh Lord, touch us deeply concerning these crucial matters.

  3. No one can do this unclogging for you… You must do it yourself. Thus, you need to go to the Lord day by day and ask Him to expose everything wrong in your mind, will, and emotion. Then in the light of what He exposes, you need to confess… We need to go to the Lord and take the “medication” He gives us. If we take it, the arteries of the psychological heart will be kept clean and unclogged.

  4. God desires to sanctify us wholly and to preserve our spirit, soul,
    and body complete. However, we need to cooperate with Him. The way
    to cooperate is to rejoice, pray unceasingly, give thanks to Him in
    everything, not quench the Spirit, and not despise prophesying in
    the church meetings. If we cooperate in this way, our spirit will be
    preserved from deadness, our soul will be preserved from pollution in
    mind, will, and emotion, and our body will be preserved from the
    defilement of this age. Then in a practical way we shall have a holy
    life for the church life.

  5. Alabado sea el Señor!
    Hoy concluimos la lectura de los 24 mensajes del Estudio-Vida de 1ra de Tesalonicenses. Ha sido una experiencia muy buena poder compartir todos estas verdades y las enseñanzas que fueron reveladas por el Hno. Lee.
    Disfruté mucho como Pablo amaba y exhortaba a los tesalonicenses, una liglesia relativamente joven. Todos los asuntos tratados en estos mensajes tratan a nuestro hombre interior como al exterior.
    Confiamos en la soberanía de Dios que podamos continuar con estas lecturas y siendo infundidos con la verdad única de Dios.
    Praise the Lord!!!!!!!

    1. Sí, hermano, el pastorear del apóstol Pablo en este epístola realmente trata con las partes internas de los creyentes. Es una gran ayuda para ver que todos nosotros podemos limpiar las arterias de nuestro corazón psicológico por medio de la confesión. Incluso durante el día podemos confesar nuestros pecados y defectos como la luz resplandece en nosotros. Nuestra confesión despeja el camino para que podamos disfrutar al Señor sin ningún obstáculo. ¡Aleluya, qué alentador!

  6. Through this fellowship I now realize that most of the time I live in darkness by living in the natural realm of my self.
    I need this particular time with the Lord to confess the failures of my daily living, due to my independence while taking decisions and expressing my emotions and thoughts in a natural way.
    “Thank you, Lord, for this new beginning with Your rich provision of grace and mercy, and Your precious blood that cleanses me of all my sins and daily failures.
    Lord, make your desire my desire. I want to cooperate with Your sanctification of my whole being by abiding in my mingled spirit”

    1. Amen! I too, realize how much I do things according to my natural self and concepts. Thank you Lord for these messages, and a way to unclog our psychological heart!

  7. Amen. Lord! Do touch us deeply concerning these matters!

    So this is the way we cooperate with the operating Triune God!
    Lord, bring us into the light!
    Preserve our spirit from deadness.
    Preserve our soul from pollution.
    Preserve our spirit from the defilements of this age.

    Lord, make us ones who rejoice, pray unceasingly, give thanks to You in everything, not quench the Spirit, and not despise prophesying in the church meetings. Bring us all on!

  8. “The way to unclog the three main arteries of our psychological heart is to make a thorough confession to the Lord… we need to stay with the Lord for a period of time to confess our defects, failures, defeats, mistakes, wrongdoings, and sins. By confessing our thoughts one by one, we shall remove the blockage from this artery… We need to go to the Lord day by day and ask Him to expose everything wrong in your mind, will, and emotion. Then in the light of what He exposes, you need to confess.

    To preserve our body is actually very difficult. It is much easier to preserve our spirit and our soul than to preserve our body. The most difficult thing for us to do n this defiling, contaminating world is to preserve our body… However, we need to cooperate with Him 🙂 The way to cooperate is to rejoice, pray unceasingly, give thanks to Him in everything, not quench the Spirit, and not despise prophesying in the church meetings.”

  9. Oh we need a daily time with the Lord for Him to expose all these “dirths”. I thought I was right and good. But when the Lord, by His mercy, expose me…there is just endless confessions. I did not know that everyday we accumulate so much blockage in our arteries. We need to clean up our psychological heart by confessing our natural&evil thoughts in our mind, rebellions in our will and our natural emotions. We also need to preserve our body by (1) not following our old man in our living and (2) keep our body from all the defiling, evil things in this evil world. In school sometimes they play very immoral and defiling songs. We need to keep our ears away from it!
    This is to coorporate with God’s operation to live a holy life for the church life! Oh Lord, preserve our spirit, soul and body complete, without blame, at Your coming!

  10. Oh Lord Jesus! How we need a thorough cleansing of the arteries in our psychological heart! Lord, thank You for being the light that shines to expose the true situation of our soul! May we say amen to your shining and repent and confess!

  11. The way to unclog the three main arteries of our psychological heart, which are also the three parts of the soul- mind, will, and emotion,- is to make a thorough confession to the Lord.
    Confessing all the sinfulness and uncleanness that is in our thinking. What about our will? We do not know what it means to be submissive to the Lord for we are very rebellious, and for the condition of our emotion, we often hate what we should love, and love what we should hate.
    For this kind of exposure and confession it may be necessary for us to stay with the Lord for a long time. Lord, bring my heart fully into Your light.

    When we preserve our spirit by exercising it to have fellowship with God, make a thorough confession to the Lord concerning our hearts, we will have strength to preserve our body in sanctification.

  12. We need to live a holy life for the church life in order for us to be wholly preserved at the Lord’s second coming. Our spirit can be preserved by exercise (rejoicing, praying, thanking, prophesying, etc.). We need our mind to be purged of its sinful thoughts. We need our will to be rid of its rebellious germs. And our emotion needs to be dealt with. All these things in our soul require us to spend much time with the Lord so that He could enlighten us of the true condition in our inner being, so that we may confess to Him and be cleansed. Finally, our body can be preserved if we avoid touching, seeing, and hearing sinful things. Oh Lord, may we be wholly preserved at your second coming!

  13. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the comments!! I must confess I do not confess enough to the Father! This is such a crucial part of our going on in the Lord and in the church life! I have to cleanse myself everyday from all my natural self and from all the outside contaminants tryin to get in. Lord Jesus!! it doesn’t take much time! we can do this while driving on riding on the bus!! lord Jesus! Make us desperate to b fully cleansed each day and to contact you with the washing of Your word and Your blood!!

  14. The conclusion of the life study messages on 1 Thessalonians ends with a burden on the heart. The Lord is concerned with our most tender part. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “For the eyes of Jehovah run to and fro throughout all the earth to strengthen those whose heart is perfect toward Him.” You can interpret the word “perfect” as genuine, or sincere. The Lord knows we can’t live the christian life. Without Him, young men become exhausted. But when our heart is genuine and sincere toward Him, He will strengthen us. Our need is to turn to Him and remain in fellowship with Him. It is during this time of deep fellowship with the Lord that He is able to cleanse all the arteries of our heart; our mind, will, and emotion.
    Lord, only You know the condition of my heart! Purify my mind, emotion, and will!

    I was also touched by the testimony that Br. Bill gave. I am so thankful for these two faithful brothers. I hope the Lord will gain more who love the Lord like they did.

  15. God desires to sanctify us wholly and to preserve our spirit, soul and body complete! I really appreciate this life study message and the need to clear the arteries of the psychological heart. We need a thorough cleansing of our mind, emotion, and will! May the Lord shine on us and expose us of all our defects, failures, defeats, mistakes, wrongdoings and sin. O Lord, enlighten us and keep us confessing before you that we would be kept clean and unclogged!

  16. Praise the Lord! Jesus Christ ~ ~ Hallelujah!!

    Chapter by chapter, with the every radio program, What a marvelous this Life-Study Program is! I’ve got into the divine flow of every Message, and enjoyed it so much. In addition, This Program saturated, enlightened and nourished me greatly.

    Today, even though I just pointed out and understood the points, but I was wondering on the burden of today’s msg. Direct message of Witness Lee made me be stirred up a lot!

    1 Thes. 5:23 was repeated on and on consecutively by Witness Lee. “And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Amen, Lord! We believers should not allow our spirit deadened. Since in order to have a holy life for the church life, our spirit should be alive, not dead or contaminated. In other words, our spirit should be in vital condition. we should exercise our spirit. How ~? Always rejoice. Unceasingly pray. In everything giving thanks. These practices lead us to be activated in our spirit, which bring us into the sanctification! Hallelujah!!! As a result, our spirit and soul and body can be preserved complete! Hallelujah!! And be without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!! PTL

  17. Praise the Lord For the Body! So glad to start the year in the book of Thessalonians I’m still a new one in the Church life and the Lord really Shepherd me so much this month reading with all the saints kept me going all the enjoyment that was share really imparted more Life and Truth to me. I realize I’m not alone and have to depend on the Body and the Lord to show me what is on His heart to make it my hearts desire.

    Praise the Lord we are in the Truine God – in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

    I was touch by the fostering of a Holy Life for the Church Life -We need to be a proper pattern to others and foster them, cherishing them as mothers and exhorting them as fathers to walk worthily of God.

    God’s salvation enables us to life a normal life. Having a normal life just by turning to God from idols, serving a living God and waiting for the Lord Jesus to come back.

    Work of Faith ( Faith is towards God), Labor of Love( Love is toward the saints) and Endurance of Hope(Hope in the Lord’s coming)!

    O Lord Jesus! What a Feast!

    Exercising our spirit to function in the church meetings will keeps us from being deadened we should not be silent but share Christ riches to others.

    We need to Rejoice,Pray and give Thanks to Him in everything! by doing this our spirit will be pulled out of a condition of deadness and will be living!!!

    Clearing the arteries of our psychological heart we have to confess to the Lord He needs to shine His light on us so that we can confess our failures, mistakes, sin ….then our heart will be clean and unclogged.

    O Lord Jesus Preserved us Completely!

    Enjoying all the riches day by day Praising Him We are IN Him!!

    Really enjoying the blending and mingle times with the Saints!

    Hallelujah We are One by Eating Jesus!!

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