Msg. 22: LS of 1 Thessalonians

“We are now on the way to being separated fully unto the Lord, to being occupied wholly by Him, and to being saturated thoroughly with Him.” Praise the Lord!

Today’s message is titled: “Our Heart to Be Established Blameless in Holiness and Our Body to Be Preserved Clean in Sanctification”

The verses covered are 1 Thes. 3:13; 4:3-8; Heb. 12:14; Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 3:17-19; Mark 12:30; Phil. 2:5

The sections of the message are:










13 thoughts on “Msg. 22: LS of 1 Thessalonians

  1. The Lord is my best “cardiologist“. I give Him the consent to thoroughly examine my heart–the acting agent. “Lord, have mercy on me. I want to have my mind renewed. I want to have my emotion filled with Your love. I want to have a will that is truly one with Your will.” If we have such a heart, then the heart as our acting agent will be established blameless in holiness, blameless in the state of being made holy.

  2. Wow! Both this message and broadcast number 20 is awesome!!! Too much too share…
    Two questions touched me the most: “God intends to preserve us, but are we willing to be preserved?” and “We all need to ask ourselves if we are spiritually healthy. ”

    “According to 5:23, we bear some responsibility for being wholly sanctified. On the one hand, God will sanctify us wholly. On the other hand, our spirit, soul, and body need to be preserved. Although God preserves us, we need to bear a certain amount of responsibility to be preserved.”

    “Both our physical heart and our psychological heart have arteries. The main arteries of the psychological heart are the mind, emotion, and will. Heart attacks are often due to the blockage of the arteries…To be healthy physically we need a strong heart. We also need a strong heart if we are to be spiritually healthy. All spiritual diseases are of the psychological heart. Our psychological heart may be wrong in different ways. We may be wrong in our thinking, in our loving or hating, or in the way we use our will.

    If our psychological heart is healthy, it will be very active in thinking, loving, hating, and deciding. Our heart is our acting agent.

    We need to pray, “Lord, have mercy on me. I want to have my mind renewed. I want to have my emotion filled with Your love. I want to have a will that is truly one with Your will.” If we have such a heart, then the heart as our acting agent will be established blameless in holiness, blameless in the state of being made holy.”


  3. The exercise of the spirit works only when our heart is active.
    We all need to look to the Lord to have mercy on us. We need to pray, “Lord, have mercy on me. I want to have my mind renewed. I want to have my emotion filled with Your love. I want to have a will that is truly one with Your will.” If we have such a heart, then the heart as our acting agent will be established blameless in holiness, blameless in the state of being made holy.

  4. Our burden is not simply to oppose superficiality, hypocrisy, and superstition.
    Our burden must be to minister the all-inclusive Christ and the Church as the Body of Christ to those who love God and seek Christ. We need to help all those who pursue the Lord to come to the full knowledge of the truth. We need to sound the trumpet that those who seek the Lord Jesus may come together as a living Body of Christ to fulfill God’s purpose and to oppose Satans distractions of falsehoods. By prayeing to hasten the coming of the Lord.
    Concerning this, we all must be desperate and give ourselves to prayer. On the one hand, we like to maintain a peaceful situation with others. On the other hand, for the sake of God’s purpose, we must stand firm for the full knowledge of God’s truth and fight the good fight against the evil powers of darkness.

    Pray that we always aspire to be the most human of people, those who are Jesusly human, divinely human. In all our contact with others, we need to display the highest humanity and the best conduct and behavior. We are not fighting against persons—we are fighting against isms.
    Praise the Lord for the letter writtin by Paul to the Thesalonians!

  5. What a balanced word! Praise the Lord for 1 Thess, and praise the Lord for the ministry. I enjoyed that the Lord has a desire to preserve our heart, to establish our heart, to renew our mind! This is so sweet. But I also enjoyed that Paul does not neglect our outward being. Lord, do preserve our whole being. Lord, we want to cooperate with You in this matter!

  6. I really appreciated Paul’s intention that we, believers must possess our body in sanctification and honor. God’s intention is that we would be pure vessels sanctified and separated for the Lord and by the Lord. Fornication damages that purpose therefore Paul warned us to abstain from fornication. We must realize what we were made for and treasure our vessel as God treasures our vessel. We are here to express Him and to represent Him! O Lord, we give our whole being to you that you would keep, preserve, safeguard our vessel that we would be holy, separated, and saturated with God!

  7. Lord! Jesus ~ we want to to be holy and separated to you, saturated with you!

    Through Today’s message reading and radio broadcasting(#19), I’ve got the tremendous importance of our heart cause it is acting agent for our holy life. Our heart can be established blameless in holiness. That is the processing. Originally, our heart is changeable, that is not trustworthy. In other words, it is sinful,incurable. So we should be established, set up in holiness relevant to our hearts. I was very very impressed with the contents of LS 22, ” Both our physical heart and our psychological heart have arteries. The main arteries of the psychological heart are the mind, emotion, and will. Heart attacks are often are due to the blockage of the arteries. Recently I read that doctors who examined the bodies of young men who died in the Vietnam War discovered that in many cases their arteries were blocked even though they were quite young. Realizing the danger of blocked arteries, many watch their diet and are careful to exercise in order to cleanse their blood vessels. The problem of the physical heart is an illustration of the problem of the psychological heart. Today there are millions of Christians. But how many of these Christians are truly living? Most of them are not living. The reason they are not living is that the arteries of their psychological heart have been blocked. This blockage has caused them to die spiritually.

  8. In this message, Brother Lee makes the comparison between the physical heart and the psychological heart. The physical heart has arteries, and if these arteries are blocked, the heart may stop functioning and the person dies. Similarly, in order for our psychological heart to be living, we need the “arteries” of our psychological heart to be clear. The “arteries” of our psychological heart are our mind, emotion, and will. If we do not have a renewed mind, an emotion touched by the Lord, or a will that is one with the Lord’s will, then our heart will remain in a dead condition, no matter how much we exercise our spirit. May the Lord have mercy on us that He would deal with our heart!

  9. Because our mingled spirit is crucial in God’s economy, we need to take care of our heart if we want to be living.
    Since we cannot exercise our spirit if the condition of our heart is not normal, proper, we need a pure heart (only for Him). Our mind should be the mind of Christ, a renewed mind, focused in our Lord; our emotion should be filled, saturated with the love of Christ; and our will must be one with His will, to choose God’s will.
    May the Lord have mercy on us to have such a holy, saturated heart, occupied by Him, for the exercise of our mingled spirit, and in that way be prepared for His second coming.
    Oh, Lord, please come back this year!

  10. in this message I was encouraged to open to the Lord that He may make His home in my heart. My heart is so changeable, with many ups and downs, but when the Lord is making His home deep down in our heart, our emotion is touched by His love and we grow in this love. We need to love the Lord with our whole being – with our heart, our mind, our soul, and our strength!

    Also, many times we want to touch the Lord and we do our best to “exercise our spirit” but there’s no result – the reason can be the fact that our heart is wrong. We need to deal with our heart, because from it we have the issues of life! We need to pray to the Lord that He would have mercy on us and renew our mind, fill our emotion with love, and tune our will to His will!

    In conclusion, the Lord wants to sanctify and preserve NOT ONLY our spirit and our soul, but also our body. We need to stay away from fornication and rather possess our body in sanctification and honor. Fornication defiles our body (which is the temple of the Holy Spirit) and annuls our function. Marriage is a holy matter, a honorable thing before God – we must keep, preserve, and safeguard our vessel clean in sanctification before God!

  11. Hallelujah! I also enjoyed the illustration of the heart! Our psychological heart is just like the physical heart. It has arteries and they can be blocked. When they are blocked we become spiritually deadened! These arteries are our mind, emotion and will!

    I can certainly recall experiences of exercising my spirit and yet not become more living. When we praise the Lord or call on the Lord and it is not effective, it shows that our arteries are blocked. Our heart is dormant. How we need to deal thoroughly with our heart- our mind, emotion, will and conscience. Lord, we don’t want any blockages! Deal with our hearts!

  12. “I am burdened to point out that, as Christians, believers in Christ, we must be living. To be a living believer involves both our spirit and our heart. Doctrinally, we may say that we can become living by exercising our spirit. But in practice often it seems that the exercise of our spirit does not work. Many of us can testify that we have exercised our spirit, but still this did not always work to make us living. The reason the exercise of the spirit may not work is that the heart does not act. This means that there is something wrong in the heart. Perhaps the mind is not renewed, sanctified, transformed; it may not be saturated with the Lord and occupied by Him. Instead, it may be filled with worldly things. We may exercise our spirit and say, “Praise the Lord!” However, this exercise may not work to make us living. The exercise of the spirit works only when our heart is active.”

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