Submitted by: Philip Holly (Mission Viejo, CA)
I’m so thankful this burden for the young adults has surfaced and we’ve been able to have so much fellowship. I know I need the help! I’ve been out of the training for 3 years now and been married for 2.5 years and it is so easy to get caught up with working, marriage, and family, and even the church life, without being vital.
I was helped by the fellowship to not try to make so many changes in my living at once. Just pick one thing and start to work on that. I picked morning revival b/c I know that is the base for all my service and personal relationship with the Lord. I’m pretty active in the church life, but most of the time I sense a shortage of the supply b/c it feels like I’m trying (to pray in the prayer meeting, call a hymn/pray in the Lord’s Table, etc).
I tried to have 10 minutes with the Lord every day, but that only lasted about 2 days. After about 2 months, I finally asked some brothers to call me during the week. Two brothers call me two times a week. What a salvation it has been! We all work, so we keep it to less than 15 minutes. Sometimes we miss the time, but we usually try to call each other even if we’re late. We mainly just pray-read the verses. I can testify touching the Lord in the morning makes a difference.
I realize I need companions to do everything. I also want to start exercising 3 times a week, but haven’t been able to start. Last week it hit me; I even need the brothers to help me exercise! I can’t even do that on my own. Thank the Lord for the 2s and 3s.
Let’s keep this fellowship going!