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Why do some leading ones advise the saints not to read writings that attack the local churches and the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee?

Why do some leading ones advise the saints not to read writings that attack the local churches and the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee?

Those who bear responsibility in the ministry, the work, and the churches in the Lord’s recovery have a biblically mandated responsibility to protect the flock. In performing that duty they may advise the saints not to read writings in print ...
What is the proper ground for the building up of the Church?

What is the proper ground for the building up of the Church?

Matthew 18:20 contains a wonderful promise: “For where two or three are gathered into My name, there am I in their midst.” However, some have misused this verse to discount the need for local churches established and built up on ...
Is it possible that in our worship of God, we are doing what is right in our own eyes (Deut 12:8)?

Is it possible that in our worship of God, we are doing what is right in our own eyes (Deut 12:8)?

The children of Israel were free to enjoy the fruit of the harvest and of their livestock at any place and at any time during the year. However, the top portion of the livestock and the harvest was to be ...
Central Texas Conference with Ron Kangas on Building Today's Ark (August 2021)

Central Texas Conference with Ron Kangas on Building Today’s Ark (August 2021)

Below are links to a virtual conference given by brother Ron Kangas from August 13-15, 2021 to the churches in central Texas, hosted by the church in Austin. The general subject of the conference is, "Building Today's Ark—the Church as ...
What does it mean in Deut 30:19 when Moses says, “therefore choose life?”

What does it mean in Deut 30:19 when Moses says, “therefore choose life?”

As we seek to follow our Lord to fully possess Christ as our good land to build God’s habitation and establish His kingdom, these words have great significance to us today. Moses’ charge was based on all that he recorded ...
Does the leadership in the Lord’s Recovery hide history?

Does the leadership in the Lord’s Recovery hide history?

In the Lord’s recovery we do not hide our history. Rather, our practice is to examine our history, learn the lessons that can be derived from that history, and pass those lessons on to succeeding generations. In doing so, exposing ...
As offenses inevitably accumulate in the church life, how and to what extent should we forgive one another?

As offenses inevitably accumulate in the church life, how and to what extent should we forgive one another?

As long as we are in the church life, offenses will occur, and the only solution to offenses is forgiveness. Such endless forgiveness from the heart is far beyond our natural human capacity, yet it is possible if we realize ...
Should we only read the “pure word” of the Bible, and not receive anyone’s interpretation of it?

Should we only read the “pure word” of the Bible, and not receive anyone’s interpretation of it?

In Acts 8 Philip the evangelist met an Ethiopian man who was reading the prophet Isaiah (vv. 26-28; cf. 21:8). Philip asked him, “Do you really know the things that you are reading?” (v. 30). The Ethiopian responded, “How could ...
The Online Full-Time Training (FTTA-OL)

The Online Full-Time Training (FTTA-OL)

There is a growing burden in the ministry of the Lord's recovery that we would be constituted with the truth so that we may become the pillar and base of the truth in reality (1 Tim. 3:15). One excellent but ...
What should our attitude be concerning suicide?

What should our attitude be concerning suicide?

Death does not resolve any problems in our relationship with God. This is true of the death of unbelievers as well as believers. For unbelievers death terminates their opportunity to receive God’s salvation, while for believers it puts an end ...