Submitted by D.B. (College Station, TX)
I’ve been meaning to write this for a while. I just want to express my thanks and appreciation for this “living to Him” website. I am from a small locality where there are only a few young adult saints. Also, because of family and work I don’t get to attend many of the conferences/trainings where these fellowships are given. Sometimes I get so entrenched in my local situation whether it be family, church, or work related that I feel removed from the “bigger picture” of what the Lord is doing here in this country and on the earth, especially among our age group. Getting to download and listen to every one of these messages has been such a source of encouragement, nourishment, and inspiration to me. I listen to them while jogging or exercising and it redeems the time and keeps me up to date. Thank you for your service in putting this website together. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord!