Msg. 2: LS of Daniel

Today we will continue reading the Life-Study of Daniel (see program detail here):


This message covers Daniel 1 and the main sections in this message are:


A. Captured Back to the Place of the Worship of Idols

B. Back to the Original Place of the Worship of Idols by Their Forefather Abraham

C. The Utter Destruction of the Testimony of God’s Elect in the Worship of the Unique God


A. Nebuchadnezzar’s Devilish Temptation

1. Seducing Daniel and His Companions to Be Defiled in Partaking of His Unclean Food, Food Offered to His Idols

2. Changing Their Names

B. Daniel Fighting the Battle by Countering the Devil’s Temptation with Bold Rejection

C. God Honoring Daniel’s Fighting

D. God Apparently Being Defeated but Actually Preserving His Worship and Testimony

E. God Blessing Daniel and His Companions with Knowledge and Insight

F. God Blessing Daniel with Longevity

May we be those who reject the “choice food” of Satan and feed on God-food!

If you don’t have a copy of this Life-Study, you can read the message online at

Please use the comments section to share your enjoyment of this message and your experiences related to Life-Study reading.

11 thoughts on “Msg. 2: LS of Daniel

  1. “The Lord also needs overcomers in these days!” Amen!

    In Rev. chapter 2-3 , The Lord still calls overcomers among the Seven Churches!!

    The Lord needs His Overcomers, who stand for His interests on the earth, and against the Satan and the Unclean Food, Food Offered to His Idols

    “주님은 또한 오늘날에도 이기는자들을 필요로 하십니다!” 아멘!

    계시록 2-3장에서 주님께서 여전히 일곱 교회들 가운데서 이기는 자들을 부르고 계십니다! 주님은 그분의 이기는 자들, 즉 이 땅에서 그분의 권익을 위해 서고, 사탄과 우상들에게 바쳐진 음식, 불결한 음식에 대항하는 그분의 이기는 자들이 필요하십니다!

  2. May the Lord have mercy on us that we would not be taken in by the devices of today’s Nebuchadnezzar to eat his choice food and become those who are one with Satan. Instead may our choice for food be “God-Food,” God as our unique portion and supply to make us today’s overcomers standing one with God for His interests and His victory.

  3. Satan always tempts us in the matter of eating. O Lord, make us today’s overcomers who reject the “choice food” and feed on God as our food.

  4. “But Daniel and his companions were for God. They were attached to God, they cleaved to God, and they were one with God BECAUSE they Took God IN!”

    I am impressed with two items in this sentence. 1) Companions 2) Our spiritual diet.

    Saints, it is so important to have vital companions; those whom we know according to the spirit. Today, may the Lord raise up many vital companions for the consummation of the age! Secondly, there is a battle, a struggle, and fight that involves the constitution of our being. Every morning we may obtain the victory through eating Christ! For this my prayer is, Lord, increase our appetite for You. Increase our hunger for You! Reconstitute us! Be expressed in our church life- our daily living!!!

  5. “Among such sons of Israel were some young overcomers whom God used to gain the victory over Satan’s devices. Satan might have thought that God had been defeated and that on earth there no longer was the worship of God. The elect of God had been defeated, and God’s purpose on earth had suffered loss. However, God was not disappointed, for He still had some overcomers – Daniel and his companions. In His sovereignty He had arranged for these young people to be taken to Babylon, where they were His overcomers. If God had not had these overcomers in Babylon, He would have been totally defeated. But because of their presence in Babylon, He was not defeated and could boast to Satan that even in Babylon He had His overcomers.” (Life-study of Daniel, pp. 8-9)

    Praise the Lord that among God’s degraded elect, Daniel and his companions became overcomers over Satan’s further device, over the demonic diet. Daniel fought the battle and was bold in rejecting the king’s choice provision, and God honored Daniel’s fighting. The victory of these young overcomers was God’s victory.

    “From God Daniel received wisdom, insight, understanding, and longevity. With him and his companions we see the story of God’s victory continuing on earth through the young overcomers. I hope that today as well there will be groups of overcomers who will be God’s boast to Satan.” (Life-study of Daniel, p. 11)

    These Life-study messages convey such a rich supply to us, supplying God to us as our food. Amen.

  6. Praise the Lord for the young overcomers among the degraded elect! “In His sovereignty He had arranged for these young people to be taken to Babylon, where they were His overcomers. If God had not had these overcomers in Babylon, He would have been totally defeated. But because of their presence in Babylon, He was not defeated and could boast to Satan that even in Babylon He had His overcomers.”
    May we be such ones not to be defiled by the worldly, unclean food. Thank You Lord Jesus, that You are our real food today, that we can enjoy You simply by eating and drinking of You!

  7. Wow…I was touched by the Lord and sobered this morning when I read this chapter. I do not want to be defeated and captured by today’s Nebudchanezzar…we need the Lord to enlighten us about what we are eating. I have to admit, I have been eating the king’s choicest food with out realizing it but our Lord is so merciful and faithful to shine in our hearts if we are open to Him. Lord, thank You for speaking to us. Gain us as Your overcomers for Your testimony here!

    1. Amen, yes Lord, gain us as Your overcomers! I was touched by
      “to eat of the tree of life is to become attached to God”. Lord may we become fully attached to You!

    2. Amen!! I really enjoyed the same point.

      “To eat Nebuchadnezzar’s choice food is to take Satan as our supply and to become one with Satan. I am concerned that you may be eating the choice food provided for you by today’s Nebuchadnezzar. If we are careless in our eating, in our shopping, in where we go, and in what we do, we may take in something related to idols, something demonic. We are what we eat. If we eat godly food—that is, if we eat God-food, God as our food—we will be one with God.”

      Oh Lord, make us those eat God-food, who are attached to you and who will be abstained any kind of idol food!

  8. “The first temptation that came to mankind concerned eating (Gen. 3:1-5). In principle, all the temptations that come to us are related to eating. ”

    Lord! Make us the overcomers that eat the tree of life! Lord, strengthens us into our inner man that we may choose life!

  9. O Lord Jesus, we love You! Be the Overcoming One in us, through us and for us. Keep us eating You to become reconstituted with You for the building of Your universal body on the earth so as to bring You back to the earth!

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